Thursday, June 2, 2011

Qos on UCS


The other day I was tasked with doing QoS on UCS for NFS/VMware. This first thing I did was read Brad Hedlund's article in QoS on Cisco UCS. This provided some great direction as Brad's articles usually do.

1. The first thing I did was to enable and adjust all the native UCS QoS system classes: Note the MTU for NFS and the weight.


2. Next I create QoS policies for all VMware/System networking needs:

3. Finally I created my vNIC templates and then applied the created QoS polices to each respective vNIC.

4. Upstream I ensured that Jumbo Frames were enabled and that all QoS polices were being honored. After some testing, it worked like a charm.



  1. Question - You show the Platinum CoS for VMware/NFS but in the COS settings photo, Platinum is not enable and has an MTU of normal. Was this a mistake or am I missing something?

  2. Richard you are correct in LAN Cloud QOS for the examples shown you would have to enable MTU and set it to 9120
